Acclaim Accredited Again!

Acclaim Accredited Again!


Once again, Diamond Decorators have renewed our Acclaim Health and Safety Accreditation!

The Acclaim Accreditation, part of the SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) member scheme, assesses companies health and safety documentation and procedures to ensure they are continuing to adhere to high safety standards set within the industry. As part of Constructionline, it gives buyers peace of mind that they are choosing suppliers who comply with health and safety legislations.

Once again, we have been able to demonstrate our stringent health and safety measures to renew the Acclaim Accreditation for another year. As a company that already prides itself on high health and safety standards, this shows potential buyers right away that when they choose Diamond Decorators, they’re choosing a trusted supplier that adheres to strict safety procedures.

All our staff are trained on the latest health and safety procedures and undertake certification where necessary. We assess all projects and their environments thoroughly before starting and carry out works according to our guidelines, ensuring a safe environment throughout.

If you’d like to learn more about how we work and what we can do for your next project, then get in touch with us today!

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